Sunday, August 4, 2019

Shoulder arthroplasty - does it worsen lymphedema? - does lymphedema worsen the outcomes?

Shoulder arthroplasty in patients with upper extremity lymphedema may result in transient or permanent lymphedema worsening

These authors present the outcomes of shoulder arthroplasty in 19 patients with lymphedema from mastectomy, lymph node dissection, and radiation therapy, usually associated with breast carcinoma.

While comfort and function were improved, complications included an acromion stress fracture, deep infection, superficial infection, and glenoid loosening. Lymphedema worsened in nine cases (>50%). The worsening was permanent in four. 

Comment: It is not uncommon to encounter lymphedema in women seeking shoulder arthroplasty after treatment for breast cancer. It is important that they be aware of the potential risks of surgery under these conditions.

We have a new set of shoulder youtubes about the shoulder, check them out at this link.

Be sure to visit "Ream and Run - the state of the art"  regarding this radically conservative approach to shoulder arthritis at this link and this link

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