He is now 2.5 years after his left ream and run
And 1.5 years after his right ream and run
Note on these postoperative x-rays the use of a smooth impaction grafted standard stem, the absence of stress shielding and the regeneration of a smooth contoured glenoid articular surface.
He kindly sent us this video of his workout routine (see this link).
This man has dedicated himself to an extremely high level of function, but was also extraordinarily compliant with the slow and careful pace of the rehabilitation program.
The ream and run surgery is technically demanding for the surgeon and the rehabilitation can be very demanding for the patient as emphasized in this article:
The ream and run: not for every patient, every surgeon or every problem
which provides some essential and basic information concerning the ream and run technique for shoulder arthroplasty.
The experience to date indicates that a technically well done ream and run procedure can restore high levels of comfort and function to carefully selected patients with osteoarthritis, capsulorrhaphy arthroplathy, and posttraumatic arthritis.
Patients considering the ream and run procedure should understand that this technique avoids the risks and limitations associated with a polyethylene glenoid component, but that it requires strong motivation to follow through on a rehabilitation course that may require many months. The outcome of this procedure depends on the body’s regeneration of a new surface for the glenoid and requires rigorous adherence to a daily exercise program. This paper explains in detail the principal factors in patient selection and the key technical elements of the procedure. Clinical examples and outcomes are demonstrated such as the below
Case 1
Case 2
Case 2
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Information about shoulder exercises can be found at this link.
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