Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Shoulder arthritis: types of glenoid bone destruction

Prearthroplasty glenohumeral pathoanatomy and its relationship to patient’s sex, age, diagnosis, and self-assessed shoulder comfort and function

There is great current interest in characterizing the effects of arthritis on the bone of the glenoid socket because pathologic changes in this bone influence the surgical technique and outcome of shoulder joint replacement.

These authors examined 544 patients within 6 weeks before shoulder joint replacement arthroplasty with the goals of characterizing the radiographic characteristics of the arthritic joint and the relationship of these pathologic changes to the patients' age, sex and diagnosis. They also studied the inter-relationships among glenoid type, glenoid version, and amount of decentering of the humeral head on the glenoid; as well as the relationships of the pathoanatomy to the patient’s self-assessed shoulder comfort and function.

Examples of the different types of glenoid pathoanatomy are shown below.

They found that male patients had a higher frequency of type B2 glenoids and a lower frequency of A2 glenoids.

The arthritic shoulders of men were more retroverted and had greater amounts of posterior decentering.

Patients with types A1 and C glenoids were younger than those with other glenoid types. 

Shoulders with osteoarthritis were more likely to be type B2 and to be retroverted. 

Types B2 and C had the greatest degree of retroversion, whereas types B1 and B2 had the greatest amounts of posterior decentering. 

Shoulders with glenoid types B1 and B2 and those with more decentering did not have worse preoperative self-assessed shoulder comfort and function.
Comment: This study indicates that radiographic glenohumeral pathoanatomy has previously unreported relationships to the patient’s sex, age, and diagnosis. Contrary to what might have been expected, more advanced glenohumeral pathoanatomy (ie, type B glenoids, greater retroversion, greater decentering) was not associated with worse self-assessed shoulder comfort and function before surgery.

We have a new set of shoulder youtubes about the shoulder, check them out at this link.

Be sure to visit "Ream and Run - the state of the art" regarding this radically conservative approach to shoulder arthritis at this link and this link

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