Saturday, July 25, 2020

Is there an advantage of stemless implants?

Eclipse Shoulder Prosthesis vs. Univers II Shoulder Prosthesis: A Multicenter, Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial

The Arthrex Eclipse shoulder prosthesis is a stemless, canal-sparing, humeral prosthesis with bone ingrowth capacity on the trunnion as well as through the fenestrated hollow screw that provides both diaphyseal and metaphyseal load sharing and fixation. 

The Arthrex Univers is a stemmed implant, that according to the company is  "designed to account for anatomical variations of the proximal humerus commonly encountered by the surgeon. Variable adjustment with respect to the inclination angle, version and head offset are features critical to reconstruction of the proximal humerus. The simplified design of the Univers II humeral component allows the surgeon to adapt the humeral stem and articular surface to the position that best represents the patient’s normal anatomy. All of the adjustments can be made intraoperatively with the implant in the humeral canal. This unique feature allows more accurate recreation of the normal anatomical relationships of the shoulder joint. With anatomic restoration of the humerus and glenoid, soft tissue balancing of the rotator cuff is more accurate, allowing for improved functional outcome."

In this multi center study patients with glenohumeral arthritis refractory to non-surgical care were randomized to Eclipse or Univers II using block randomization.
149 Eclipse and 76 Univers II patients reached 2-year follow-up.

The success rate using a "composite clinical success (CCS) score" was 95% for Eclipse vs. 90% for Univers II group. 

No patient exhibited radiographic evidence of substantial humeral radiolucency, humeral migration, or subsidence at  any point. There were 7 (3.2%) reoperations in the Eclipse and 3 (3.8%) in the Univers II group.

The authors concluded that at two-year follow-up there were no differences in outcomes between the two implants. 

Comment: While much has been made about the advantages of a stemless humeral implant, data are lacking that show its superiority over a stemmed implant.


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