Sunday, August 9, 2020

Complications of anatomic and reverse total shoulders with a specific prosthesis

 Comparison of Complication Types and Rates Associated with Anatomic and Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty

These authors sought to the determine the types, incidence and timing of complications following 2224 aTSAs (1090M/1134F)  and 4158 rTSAs (1478M/2680F) from an international database of patients who had a single platform total shoulder arthroplasty system (Equinoxe, Exactech) performed by 40 different surgeons in the US/Europe. Patients with revision of a previously placed hemiarthroplasty or total shoulder arthroplasty, or a diagnosis of proximal humerus fracture were excluded.

Comment: This is a comprehensive review of the complications reported with these prostheses for a very large patient cohort from an international group of surgeons.

This is a valuable guide for surgeons using this implant so that they can be aware of and seek to avoid the complications most frequent with each prosthesis type. 

To see a YouTube of our technique for a anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty, click on this link.
To see a YouTube of our technique for a reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, click on this link.

To see our new series of youtube videos on important shoulder surgeries and how they are done, click here.

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