Saturday, August 29, 2020

The world is not flat and neither is the acromion.

Our former fellow Mike Moskal sent a concise set of his personal dissections that reinforce Codman's 1930 observations that the coracoacromial arch is a stabilizing concavity for the proximal humerus and "should not be sacrificed at any procedure". 

Here are some great photographs of his dissections that make the point.


He also included a couple of related articles, see this link and this link.

Comment: In his 1934 book, E. A. Codman wrote prophetically, "The coracoacromial ligament has an important duty and should not be thoughtlessly divided at any operation."

We have not found it necessary to divide the CAL "at any operation." Not only is it a halyard stabilizing the scapular spine and acromion to the robust coracoid process, as suggest by this study, but it is also an essential element of the stabilizing coracoacromial arch.

which, when sacrificed, risks anterosuperior escape

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