He elected a ream and run procedure at which time we performed extensive soft tissue releases and used a thin humeral head component to optimize his flexibility.
At two weeks after surgery he sent a series of videos, which provide a 'text book' on post ream and run rehab. He generously offered to let us reproduce them here.
The supine stretch
The forward lean
The pulley in flexion
The pulley in abduction
External rotation to zero degrees
The sleeper stretch
External rotation isometrics
We have a new set of shoulder youtubes about the shoulder, check them out at this link.
Be sure to visit "Ream and Run - the state of the art" regarding this radically conservative approach to shoulder arthritis at this link and this link
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You may be interested in some of our most visited web pages arthritis, total shoulder, ream and run, reverse total shoulder, CTA arthroplasty, and rotator cuff surgery as well as the 'ream and run essentials'